What is PRP? What Are The Benefits of PRP? The Practice of PRP

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a person’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp. The PRP process, which has Platelet Rich Plasma expansion, is a preferred method when applying platelet-enriched plasma. There are a number of operations performed during the application. First of all, the process should be started by taking blood from the individual. What is PRP? What Are The Benefits of PRP? The Practice of PRP is information that we explain on our article.

Plasma can be administered intradermal using injection. In addition, laser application is also possible. After the roller application, the laser method can also be preferred. After hair transplantation, PRP can be applied to the skin before the patient is discharged. This application, which is done in our clinic without using the injection method, can easily penetrate the roots through the skin, since the hair follicles are new.

Does PRP actually regrow hair?

PRP cannot regrow hair from nothing, there has to be at least a dormant hair follicle. If a patient's alopecia is extensive, the area needs to be “seeded” with transplanted hair follicles.

What is Platelet?

What is Platelet? It is curious. Platelets are blood components, also known as platelets. The task of these blood components is to intervene during the repair of damaged tissues in our body.

During PRP application, it is aimed to accelerate the healing by giving platelets intensively to the damaged tissue. The method has been used for many years for the treatment of non-healing wounds. With this application, which is also used in aesthetic surgery, it is aimed to eliminate the problems. This application, which can be done for all age groups, is safely preferred by both men and women.

The application, which is also used to prevent hair loss, does not have any side effects. It is seen that PRP filler can be applied to deep wrinkles, as can be used with mesotherapy or mask method.

What Does PRP Do?

What Does PRP Do? The subject is also among the readers' curiosity. Thanks to this application, the number of platelets is increased and the repair and regeneration of the skin is accelerated. With the PRP application, which is a kind of treatment method, the skin regains its former state in a short time.

The skin or the applied tissue needs time to regenerate. The results of this application show themselves after a few sessions. After this type of treatment, skin tightening, glow in skin color, disappearance of spots and disappearance of scars occur.

How is PRP Made?

How is PRP Made? When PRP treatment will be applied, blood should be taken from the patient first. Plasma obtained from the person is applied to the problem areas on the skin by using various methods. PRP serum can be applied to the skin or after fractional laser or radiofrequency applications.

It can be injected into the skin by plasma injection or it can be used after laser roller applications. While the separation of some blood plasma taken from the person is done in the laboratory environment, a special process is applied for this. Platelets are also responsible for blood clotting. In addition, they have been used for many years in wound healing due to the growth factors they contain.

Since PRP treatment is done by using the person's own blood, it is easy to treat various problems in the body. In this way, rejuvenation of the skin and removal of scars can be solved in a few sessions.

This type of application can often be used to prevent hair loss and strengthen hair. With this application, which creates an opportunity to achieve successful results in hair loss, it is ensured that the roots are nourished and their development is supported. PRP treatment, which gives effective results in problems such as genetic shedding, is performed by experts at certain periods. One of the most important advantages of PRP application is that it does not carry the risk of allergy since it is obtained from the patient's own blood.

Our clinic provides these services as a whole with its experienced experts in hair transplantation. After hair transplantation, PRP is applied to the hair follicles to restore the roots in a short time and to accelerate the healing process.


How long does PRP hair treatment last?

While the results from PRP are not permanent, they can last up to an average of 18 months, with 2 years being the longest reported effect. Additionally, patients may need a follow-up treatment once a year.

PRP in the Hair Transplant Process?

We apply PRP once at the end of the operation on the day of hair transplantation.

** Prp - Injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into the scalp helps stimulate growth in implanted/donor areas. (For thicker your Hair - 1st,3rd,4th,6th,9th,12nd month for 1 year you can do)

In today's conditions, we recommend that you buy and use the mesotherapy set, as it is both difficult and expensive to have the PRP application.

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