Hair transplantation has a relatively low complication rate compared to other aesthetic applications. In hair transplantation, there may be various side effects depending on the lack of surgical intervention, wrong applications, technical error of the doctor, and the physiological factors of the patient. Although the side effects of hair transplantation vary depending on the individual; edema, bleeding, asymmetry, folliculitis, scabbing, itching, hiccups, numbness, graft displacement and shock hair loss are among the most common side effects.

Soft Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

Hair loss is common in men due to genetic conditions and age. Especially male pattern hair loss (androgenic alopecia) seen at an early age raises the problem of baldness which weakens the self-confidence of men. Shedding areas of the hair lead to an unpleasant visual effect. The hair transplantation process, which provides a permanent solution to hair loss, allows the hair to grow out again.

Thanks to Soft Sapphire Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique, which is known as the most preferred and most effective method in hair transplantation operations, hair follicles are collected one by one from the donor area (Back of Head, Beard) and transplanted one by one to the planting area. All of these operations are performed under high hygiene conditions and using millimeter tools.

What Are The Side Effects of Hair Transplantation?


A condition that everyone who has a hair transplantation operation is familiar with the formation of swelling after hair transplantation. These swellings usually begin on the 3rd or 4th day after the operation and last for up to 5 days. Swelling, which is a natural part of the post-operative healing process, is harmless. Swelling or edema may occur on the face, forehead, or eyes. There is no need to worry about swelling which is a temporary and painless condition seen in almost everyone who has had hair transplantation. If the edema does not disappear within 3-5 days and it is accompanied by pain, fever, and chills, your physician should be informed.


One of the common side effects of hair transplantation is bleeding. Since the scalp is a dense area for capillaries, a small amount of bleeding occurs when the hair follicles are removed and transplanted. However, there may be different causes of bleeding after hair transplantation. Smoking, aspirin, coumadine, and alcohol use can also cause bleeding. Although the intensity of the bleeding varies according to the person, the bleeding completely disappears within 3-4 days and does not cause pain.


Since the use of the Sapphire FUE method in hair transplantation operations, the risk of infection has largely been eliminated. Having a clean operation room, preferring disposable materials, using regular antibiotics, and hair transplanting with the Sapphire FUE technique reduces the risk of infection.

Shock Loss

Shock loss following hair transplantation operations is the temporary loss of hair. It is an extremely normal process that occurs after every hair transplantation. Although a definite time period cannot be given for shock hair loss; it is observed that it occurs between 1-4 months after hair transplantation. In general, the shock hair loss completed within a 2-week period varies from person to person. Hair loss after hair transplantation is a very normal condition and it is not permanent.


Although it is shown among the side effects of hair transplantation, crusting is actually a part of the healing process. Shells are formed by the dryness of blood leaking from the hair follicles. Since the shells dehumidified the hair skin and prevent the healthy growth of newly planted hair, the scalp should be purified from these shells. Therefore, washing is very important for the get rid of scabs. As a wrong movement can damage the planting area, the formed shells should not be torn off.


Like crusting, itching is also seen among the side effects of hair transplantation. Itching may occur due to the crusting of the transplant area. Itching, which is common in the first 2 weeks after hair transplantation, is a temporary condition, and no need to worry. Itching can be easily relieved by itching-reducing drugs and special shampoos recommended by the doctor. Also, we give Prednizolon for this. It is useful to use 1 antihistamine tablet per day too.

Hair Follicle Inflammation (Folliculitis)

Hair follicle inflammation occurs, especially after the hair regrowth. Folliculitis, which takes place in the 2nd or 3rd month after hair transplantation, is a side effect that can easily pass thanks to the antibacterial creams used in the hair transplant area.


Hiccup can be shown among the rare hair transplant side effects. Hiccups have been observed in 4 percent after hair transplantation. It occurs during or shortly after transplantation due to the stimulation of the diaphragm in extremely anxious and excited patients. It passes by itself in about 2-3 days.


Pain after hair transplantation varies according to personal factors but rarely occurs in the donor area where the hair follicles are extracted. It is a condition that passes easily with painkillers used regularly after the operation. At Dr.Erkam CAYMAZ Hair Upload Hair Clinic, we use Comfort-in Painless Anesthesia method to minimize pain during and after the operation.


Patients can often feel reassured knowing that these generally precede more apparent hair growth over the following weeks and months. They can be seen in both the recipient area (where transplanted hairs are coming in) or donor region (especially in FUE where any residual hair fragments may be coming in). They may be more commonly observed in zones where the angle of hair implantation is the sharpest angle (e.g. the front midline or vertex or crown).

A simple cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol can be used to rub on each pimple. The microabrasion allows the nearly-ingrowing hair to the surface and resumes growth. It’s relatively rare that an antibiotic is required, but even a one-week course of antibiotics can have a positive impact. The ultimate appearance is not impacted by the presence-absence of a few “pimples” and patients should simply be aware that they generally represent an early phase of growth. In addition, massage with coconut oil 3 times a day for 5 minutes, there will be trauma. If you have Dermaroller 1mm in your hand, do not forget to apply with it. (10 minutes a day after 14 days)
If there is no improvement despite doing what we say, consult your dermatologist.



It is completely normal to feel numbness around your newly implanted hair areaAcnemycin cream 2*1 with massage will help to heal.


How long does the redness last?

As your scalp starts to heal the redness should reduce. Many patients may find that their redness is completely gone after 2 weeks. However, in some large hair transplant cases, this healing process can take longer. As a result, it can take a while and even up to a few months for it to completely go away.

Will it affect my transplant?

Normal healing-related redness should not affect your transplant. However, in some cases, redness isn’t caused by normal healing and you will need to see your surgeon to check your recovery. These causes are listed below:
-Folliculitis (hair infection)
-Cellulitis (skin infection)
-Cysts (small round swelling under the skin)
-Skin necrosis (dead and dying skin)
All the above can affect your donor area or recipient area after a hair transplant and therefore we advise you to keep an eye out for them.

How to Avoid Hair Transplant Side Effects?

Thanks to advancing technologies, side effects related to hair transplantation are reduced as much as possible. Technologies such as Sapphire tips, FUE technique, and needle-free anesthesia have increased confidence in hair transplantation. When experienced doctors and health-approved planting centers are preferred, the disadvantages of hair transplant can be largely eliminated.

Although the side effects after hair transplantation are preventable and treatable, the patient should be informed about all the risks that may occur before the hair transplantation. In the same way, the patient should share the medications and illnesses he/she uses with his/her doctor. It should also be kept in mind that the side effects of hair transplantation will not be the same in every person and more than one side effect may occur in one person. In addition, It is also very important to use medicines and shampoos recommended by the doctor in the healing process.

You can contact us to make free online consultations and get detailed information about hair transplantation.

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